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Precise Volume Control

for iPad, iPhone, & iPod touch.

volumeCTRL Hero

If you've ever been frustrated by your iPhone or iPad's volume control, then auDSPr's volumeCTRL is right for you! If you press your device's volume up button but it's too loud then try the volume down button and it's too soft, and think to yourself, "I want something in the middle." Then volumeCTRL is what you want!

As an audiophile and audio electronics engineer, on more than one occasion I have found myself in this frustrating situation - not being able to set my iPad's volume to the exact level that I need. The volume buttons on the side of the device are too coarse, and the volume slider in Control Center is too squirrely. Fortunately as an audio app developer, I can fix this and so... volumeCTRL is born!

My auDSPr volumeCTRL utility is a butt-simple app that does one thing and one thing ONLY - it lets you set your device volume PRECISELY! With volumeCTRL you can set the exact level using Percent (the most common way) or using dBFS (Audiophiles and Mastering Engineers I'm looking at you). volumeCTRL uses the cool simple and powerful custom auDSPr Slider and Numeric Keypad that we developed for our other sweet audio apps, currently auGEN X and auSCOPE X. The auDSPr Slider, with its Tap To Nudge and Double Tap for Default Setting features, improves upon traditional slider to give you fast, tight control. The auDSPr Numeric Keypad lets you key in your EXACT volume... in Percent or dBFS.

volumeCTRL is the perfect iPad Split View companion for Apple Music, Spotify, Qobuz, TIDAL Music, or whatever you prefer. Control freaks like myself might appreciate it - maybe even a few regular people will too. Hah, hah.

Social Media

New haQ attaQ showcases volumeCTRL nicely in this YouTube video!


Technical Specifications

System Requirements

User Guide

Every auDSPr audio app comes with its User Guide embedded directly in it for convenient access without requiring an internet connection.

To view the User Guide from within volumeCTRL, simply tap the volumeCTRL button to show the App Information Page. Then tap the User Guide button.

If you don't have volumeCTRL handy or if you haven't bought it yet, here's the User Guide for your convenience:

Download the User Guide .

